BLE Creative Corner with… Born to License’s Jenna Chalkley

In the run up to BLE, we’re asking regular attendees and exhibitors about creative brand extensions – and how they have ideas… Up next is Jenna Chalkley, Head of Product Development at Born to License.

Jenna, lovely to chat. What fuels your creativity? What helps you have ideas?
Creativity is something I find in every aspect of my life, whether I’m out exploring new stores, discovering trends while shopping, or simply relaxing at home and streaming content on TV. Inspiration strikes from the most unexpected sources, and I always keep an open mind to new ideas.

Additionally, I greatly value the conversations I have with fellow creatives and colleagues. There’s something truly energising about collaborating and exchanging ideas. It often leads to the development of innovative concepts and exciting new projects. It’s in these moments of collective brainstorming that the best ideas are born and refined.

Can you tell us about a recent launch you were involved in that you feel is a creative use of a brand?
As Born to License is still in its early stages as a company, many of our product launches are scheduled for the end of this year and are still in the process of development. While we are in the midst of working with our clients to bring our visions to life, I can confidently say that we have been hard at work behind the scenes, creating some remarkable products across a diverse range of licenses and categories.

Although these projects are still blossoming, there’s a lot of excitement building around what’s to come. We’re eagerly anticipating the moment when we can share these offerings with the world, and we believe they will make a significant impact in the market.

Can you tell us about a launch you’ve seen – but wasn’t involved in – that you feel is a creative brand extension?
I really like unique and quirky collaborations, brands that years ago would never have thought to work together are now coming together creating artistic and unique products that consumers go crazy for. One that I really felt joy over when I saw it was the Crocs and Hidden Vally Ranch collab a few years back and thought ‘I wish I thought of that’. A little on the crazy side but who doesn’t love that.

Jenna Chalkley, Born Licensing, Born to License, BLE, Brand Licensing Europe

Good pick! What’s the key to successful creative collaborations between licensors and licensees?
Pre-planning, communication and respect of the license that’s being used. Most importantly enjoy the process and have fun with it.

BLE is next month. Is attending the show is a good means of fuelling creativity and having ideas?
Absolutely, it’s a great place to be fully emerged in brand licensing. All brands together under one roof and a fantastic opportunity to see what everyone in the industry is up too. I also enjoy seeing new and innovative products that showcase there and get the chance to strike up conversations with people new to the Brand licensing, it’s great to witness it through fresh eyes.

If you still haven’t registered for BLE this year, click here to do so!

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