BLE Creative Corner with… Hasbro’s Nicole Tobey

In the run up to BLE, we’re asking regular attendees and exhibitors about creative brand extensions – and how they have ideas… Up next is Nicole Tobey, Global Creative and Product Development Director for Licensed Consumer Products, North America at Hasbro.

Nicole, thanks for making time. To kick us off, what set you on the path to a creative career in licensing? Was it always on the cards?
I’ve always had a passion for art and design, and knew I wanted to do something creative “when I grew up.” Licensing wasn’t something I even knew existed, but as soon as I got into a licensee role, I discovered how fun this industry is. Transitioning to a role on the licensor side only deepened my love for the field – and never turned back!

Every day offers new challenges and opportunities to flex my creative muscles and bring our intellectual property to life in exciting, imaginative ways. With iconic brands like Monopoly, My Little Pony, Transformers and so many more, it’s incredible to be both a fan of and a designer for these franchises.
What fuels your creativity? What helps you have ideas?
Everything fuels my creativity. Whether I’m spending time with my son and experiencing the world through his eyes, travelling and soaking in new scenery, eating a wonderful meal, listening to music, or discussing projects with my team… I’m constantly inspired. The prospect of creative possibilities fills me with excitement each day. It might sound strange, but I thrive with challenges. They help to bring out my best ideas. I love to look for a creative solution and find a path forward that might not have been obvious.

Can you tell us about a recent launch you were involved in that you feel is an especially creative use of licensing?
There’s an upcoming Play-Doh footwear launch in September with Mini Melissa that I can’t wait to see hit shelves. Our footwear collaborator is renowned for their versatile designs, using a unique PVC material that’s flexible, comfortable and durable.

This new kids’ sandal collection is both playful and colourful, featuring design elements and embellishments stylised like Play-Doh compound. The sandals are tutti-frutti scented and even have stampers on the soles for added fun, creating a truly immersive product for the consumer. When you collaborate with a brand whose product and aesthetic align so well with your own, it feels like there are no limits to the creative vision.

Sounds great. Now, can you tell us about a launch you’ve seen – but wasn’t involved in – that you feel is a creative brand extension?
I absolutely love the Ouija: Wednesday Edition game that was released late last year. In licensing, our fans often represent our brands by wearing or displaying products we develop – but when we can incorporate our brands into their everyday lives, it creates an exciting connection. The collaboration between Ouija and Wednesday is a perfect match. Our licensed toy and game team, along with our partners at The Op Games, did a fantastic job of identifying a natural, culturally relevant extension for the Ouija brand. With bespoke artwork featuring Thing on the planchette, glow-in-the-dark elements, and eerie details that enhance both brands, it’s a truly exceptional collaboration that brings a new level of excitement to our fans.

Nicole Tobey, Hasbro, Brand Licensing Europe, BLE

Looks like a winner! What’s the key to successful creative collaborations between licensors and licensees?
Flexibility, communication, and imagination are crucial in our work. As licensors, we immerse ourselves in our intellectual property daily, becoming deeply familiar with every nuance and detail. Our licensees, on the other hand, are specialists in product development, bringing their own expertise and creativity to the table. It’s when we come together, bringing the best of each perspective, that we can creatively push the boundaries to bring wonderful and innovative products to life.

At Hasbro, we are firmly focused on being franchise-first – which means across licensing, toy and game and entertainment, our teams are working together with world-class partners to fuel growth of our franchise brands. Our LCP programs are all strategically grounded in what fans and families around the world tell us they want, need and feel about our brands. Armed with advanced analytics to better understand the consumer segments that engage with our brands – their demographics, purchase patterns, interests and occasions that drive them to shop – and we use that knowledge to reach the consumer at critical decision points.

BLE is coming up and I know you’re involved in designing Hasbro’s trade show booths. What does a booth at this kind of show need to do?
Designing a trade show booth involves more than just creating an attractive space… It’s about crafting an immersive, visually captivating experience that truly represents our brands, and inspires both retailers and collaborators.

What does the development process of a booth look like?
I start by considering the space from the perspectives of both our team and our visitors, envisioning how I want them to feel and what I want them to experience. Showcasing stunning projects that celebrate the achievements of our Hasbro team and licensees fuels excitement and motivates everyone to push our brands further. By incorporating larger-than-life imagery, we draw people into the world of our brands, highlight fan favourites, and reintroduce properties to new audiences. This approach creates a buzz and generates enthusiasm for discovering the next big idea.

Thanks again Nicole. I have one last question. Is going to BLE is a good means of fuelling creativity?
Events like BLE, where the industry comes together, are a major source of inspiration. The buzz and excitement are palpable as we collectively showcase our brands, exchange ideas and move the industry forward. These gatherings provide a platform for launching new IPs and projects, reimagining nostalgic properties, exploring potential opportunities with collaborators and presenting our creative work to spark new collaborations. The energy from these events fuels innovation and drives us to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

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