BLE Creative Corner with… Penguin Ventures’ Thomas Merrington

“I love a good brainstorm and a mood board!”: Thomas Merrington – Creative Director at Penguin Ventures – on how he has ideas.

Thomas, it’s great to catch up. Can you tell us about a recent launch you were involved in that you feel is an especially creative use of a brand?
I have to point to our Flower Fairies Afternoon Tea with Grosvenor House Hotel. The attention to detail from the team there – in terms of creating really specific pastries and flavours that reference the brand so organically – was a real masterclass in pastry technique. Creating physical products can be a challenge in itself, but to create the same exquisite edible fairy and woodland elements every day is exceptionally impressive. The execution is just magical and they also taste amazing!

Thomas Merrington, Penguin Ventures, Brand Licensing Europe, BLE

Great pick. And what about a launch you’ve seen – but wasn’t involved in – that you feel is a creative brand extension?
I know a few people have mentioned this, but I thought the Paddington x Jo Malone collaboration was a really clever use of IP and two brands coming together. The promotion was everywhere and the take on Orange Marmalade as a fragrance was really inspired.

Thomas Merrington, Penguin Ventures, Brand Licensing Europe, BLE

Yes, another cracking choice. What’s the key to successful creative collaborations between licensors and licensees?
To want to collaborate – and by that I mean as a licensor and licensee – you have to understand what makes each partner unique and then be prepared to adapt any brand rules you have to ensure you are meeting each other in the middle. This is where the best creative output happens and is usually a fun process, as both sides feel like they are truly collaborating to create something distinct and desirable.

And what fuels your creativity? What helps you have ideas?
I love a good brainstorm and a mood board! An initial brainstorming session really gets the creative juices and ideas flowing and a mood board is then a great way to focus ideas and refine them. Likewise, when we brainstorm with new partners, having the right creative energy in the room can be electrifying and that really is one of the most satisfying things about my role.

BLE is only a few weeks away. Is attending the show a good means of fuelling creativity?
Yes! It’s great to meet up with old and new partners to see what they have been up to, but also great to catch up with other creative colleagues and agents. We tend to be in back-to-back meetings on our stand, so I rarely get to walk the show… But I am going to try this year to see what everyone else has been up to and to see what is being exhibited around the show. Visit Penguin Ventures at BLE on Stand C164. Get in touch at [email protected].

We’ll see you there. Thanks again Thomas.

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