BLE Creative Corner with… Zertus UKI’s Emma Perrett

In the run up to BLE, we’re asking regular attendees and exhibitors about creative brand extensions – and how they have ideas… Up next is Emma Perrett, Marketing Controller at Zertus UK & Ireland.

Emma, thanks for making time. Can you tell us about a recent launch you were involved in that you feel is an especially creative use of the licensed brand?
I was involved in a particularly creative launch with Zertus UKI that expanded the Baileys brand into a new category with the Baileys Chocolate Nut Mix. Baileys has long been known as a luxurious, indulgent liqueur, which, in recent years, Diageo has been extending into a number of different adult treating occasions. Through our long-standing partnership between Diageo and Lir Chocolates, we’ve successfully moved the brand into the premium chocolate category. This latest venture, however, took things a step further.

In 2019, after Lir joined the Zertus UKI Market Unit, alongside Kinnerton Confectionery and Humdinger Ltd., we explored how to leverage our combined expertise. The result was the Baileys Chocolate Nut Mix, a luxurious blend of caramelised roasted nuts, salted toffee popcorn and chocolate-coated almonds, all infused with Baileys Original Irish Cream.

Emma Perrett, Zertus UKI, Brand Licensing Europe, BLE

Launched in the UK for the festive season in September 2023, the product quickly gained traction with consumers and retailers alike, tapping into the growing demand for premium, indulgent treats. It was an innovative extension that not only introduced Baileys to a new snacking occasion, but also attracted new shoppers to the seasonal nut category. The success of this launch has paved the way for an expanded premium nut sharing range, set to debut in September 2024.

The launch cleverly aligns with Baileys’ positioning as an adult treat, it’s a great example of how a brand can innovate and stay relevant by creatively branching out into new product categories.

Terrific. And can you tell us about a launch you’ve seen – but wasn’t involved in – that you feel is a creative brand extension?
One recent launch that stands out as a creative brand extension is the collaboration between Baileys and Carte d’Or. This partnership brought together the iconic Irish cream liqueur brand and the well-known ice cream maker to create Baileys ice cream.

What makes this extension particularly creative is how it leverages the strengths of both brands to offer something new and appealing to consumers. Baileys – traditionally associated with indulgent, creamy liqueurs – seamlessly extends into the dessert category, while Carte d’Or – a brand synonymous with premium ice cream – enhances its offering by incorporating the rich, distinctive flavour of Baileys.

This collaboration is a perfect example of how two brands can align on their positioning and vision to create a product that resonates with their shared target audience. By combining Baileys’ luxurious and indulgent brand image with Carte d’Or’s reputation for high-quality ice cream, they’ve successfully expanded the Baileys brand beyond beverages into a new and complementary category.

The Baileys ice cream launch taps into the growing trend of adults seeking premium treats and offers a product that feels both familiar and novel. It’s a great example of a well-executed brand extension that broadens the appeal of both brands while staying true to their core identities.

Emma Perrett, Zertus UKI, Brand Licensing Europe, BLE

Good pick. What’s the key to successful creative collaborations between licensors and licensees?
The key to successful creative collaborations between licensors and licensees lies in aligning on brand positioning, goals, and vision while working in close partnership. Both parties need to establish a clear, shared understanding of what they aim to achieve and how they want the brand to be perceived in the market. This shared vision ensures that all efforts are focused on creating a cohesive product or campaign that resonates with the target audience.

Strong communication is crucial throughout the collaboration process. Open, ongoing dialogue helps both sides stay aligned on their objectives, addressing any challenges early on and ensuring that the project remains on track. By working closely together, licensors and licensees can effectively combine their strengths—whether it’s the licensor’s deep understanding of the brand or the licensee’s expertise in product development and market execution.

Flexibility and a willingness to innovate are also important. As the collaboration progresses, new ideas and challenges may arise, and a partnership that embraces creative problem-solving is more likely to succeed. Ultimately, keeping a focus on the end consumer and ensuring that the collaboration aligns with their needs and preferences is key to achieving a successful outcome.

BLE is taking place next month. Do you find the show is a good means of fuelling creativity and having ideas?
Yes, attending Brand Licensing Europe is an excellent way to fuel creativity and generate new ideas. The event brings together a diverse range of brands, licensors, and licensees from various industries, offering a unique opportunity to explore the latest trends and innovations. This exposure to different sectors and creative approaches can spark new ideas for how to extend or enhance a brand in ways you might not have considered.

Networking with other industry professionals at the event is invaluable. Conversations with other attendees – whether they’re from the food industry or another sector – can lead to fresh perspectives and potential collaborations. These interactions often inspire innovative ways to apply licensing strategies to your own brand.

Moreover, seeing how other brands have successfully executed their licensing strategies provides practical insights and inspiration. By attending the presentations, panels, and showcases, you gain a deeper understanding of what’s working in the market and how you can adapt those ideas to fit your own brand’s objectives.

What else fuels your creativity? What helps you have ideas?
For me, creativity is driven by a mix of practical factors and personal interests.

• Consumer insights and trends: Market research and consumer feedback often spark ideas and help develop products and campaigns that resonate with people.
• Cultural and global influences: Inspiration from different cultures and cuisines often leads to unique products.
• Technological advancements: Staying updated on advances in food processing, packaging and digital marketing opens new ways to access creative concepts. • • • Utilising tools like augmented reality and big data personalisation can spark new ideas.
• Collaborations and partnerships: Working with other brands, retailers, agencies, and influencers brings new perspectives and expertise, leading to innovative products and campaigns.
• Sustainability and ethical considerations: Focusing on sustainability drives innovation by finding ways to use eco-friendly ingredients and packaging, aligning with consumer values.
• Personal passion and curiosity: A genuine love for food and constant curiosity drive new ideas, with continuous learning through industry and consumer events.
• Feedback and community engagement: Direct feedback from social media often leads to the development of new products.
• Competitor research and data analysis: Keeping abreast of competitor activities and analysing market performance is key to creating forward-thinking ideas.
• Embracing challenges and constraints: Constraints like tight budgets force creative problem-solving, resulting in unique solutions.

Great answer! Thanks again.

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