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With BLE fast approaching, we picked the brains of regular attendees and exhibitors on how to make the most of the show. Up next is Victoria Whellans, Commerical Director for ASPIRE at WildBrain CPLG.
Victoria, thanks for making time. When did you first attend BLE?
Around 15 years ago. Time flies!
What’s been your best BLE memory?
There’s been a few highlights from celebrity spotting, brand launches and catwalk shows, but nothing beats the excitement of having all your international colleagues together and the energy of a packed stand.
Absolutely. And what makes for a good BLE meeting?
The unexpected walk-ons that result in deals.
What’s your key aim for this year’s BLE?
To showcase our ASPIRE portfolio of corporate and lifestyle brands, meet potential new partners and connect with colleagues and friends both during the show – and at the bar!
Before we let you go, can you give us a BLE tip or recommendation? Could be a restaurant, pub, venue or show advice…
Walk the show! It sounds obvious but if you’re an exhibitor and the tendency is to fill your diary with back-to-back meetings, you can get to the end of day two and realise you haven’t left the stand. Some of the best conversations are those that happen in the aisles – and you really get a feel for the energy of the show by walking the floor, seeing what the trends are and where the buzz is. And for after-hours: Fairgame in Canary Wharf. It’s great for a group night out!
Noted! Last question: Where is WildBrain CPLG housed at this year’s show?
We’re at B171
Great stuff. Thanks again!
If you still haven’t registered for BLE this year, click here to do so!
BLE 2023 runs at ExCeL London from October 4th to 6th 2023.