2022 predictions in 22 words
We asked industry figures to sum up their predictions, hopes and fears around what the next 12 months has up its sleeve in just 22 words…
Talking Brands: When is a brand ready for licensing? And are there any sleeping giants waiting to be licensed?
Start Licensing’s Ian Downes, Jehane’s Jehane Boden Spiers and Licensing International UK’s Graham Saltmarsh share their insights.
Talking Brands: Vincent van Gogh toys, Nelson Mandela apparel, Einstein energy ads… Which other historical figures have licensing potential?
Skew’s Oliver Dyer, Licensing Link’s Chris Taday and The Ashmolean Museum’s Declan McCarthy tell us which iconic figures deserve brand extensions of their own.
From Netflix to MasterChef, all kinds of brands are getting the board game treatment… So what’s the key to designing great licensed games?
Spin Master’s Dougal Grimes, Peggy Brown Creative Consulting’s Peggy Brown, Open 2 Design’s Matt Burtonwood and Galactic Sneeze’s Sara Farber discuss creating great games based on brands.
Talking Brands: Marmite and Catan have launched beer collaborations… Which other brands should take a swig?
Triclops Studio’s Rob Ames and Luc Hudson, Beams International’s Emma Coote and Tomato Source’s Emma Beeson share their suggestions as to what brands are ripe for a beer collaboration.
Talking Brands: RUN DMC, Ferrari and Jurassic Park have all collaborated with pre-school brands. What other adult IP could thrive in this space?
PowerStation Studio US’ Sharon Weisman, The Toy Guy’s Chris Byrne and Alsop Design’s Joe Alsop give us their verdict on the brands ripe for a pre-school collab.
Talking Brands: Which brands could licensing help revive?
Smart Design Studio’s Nic Davies, Heayes Design’s Richard Heayes, Pinfinity’s Caleb Paullus and The Toy Association’s Marian Bossard give us their picks for brands that could enjoy a second life through licensing.
Talking Brands: Atari and Monopoly have hotels in the works… What other brands could be a great fit for the hospitality sector?
Making Things’ Fi Murray, Reemsborko’s Max Arguile and Rainbow Productions’ Simon Foulkes reveal the brands they think would be a great fit for a hotel experience.
Talking Brands: Mother of God! Should Line of Duty embrace brand extensions?
This month, industry figures are looking at the UK’s most watched drama series of the 21st Century, Line of Duty – and its potential for brand extensions.
Talking Brands: Pantone, Harry Potter and Corona have all launched physical stores. Which brand should be next?
Star Editions’ Will Marston looks at the world of branded stores, picking the brains of Louis Kennedy’s Nick Prichard and The Opinionated Designer’s Emma Horton for brands ripe for pop-ups.