THG’s Jared Hawkmoon on designing apparel for new Disney+ show Loki

We caught up with the designer behind the range, THG’s Jared Hawkmoon, to find out more about his approach to bringing Loki into apparel.

The Point.1888’s Hannah Stevens on creativity, St Andrews and helping sports brands soar

We caught up with Hannah to find out more about her approach to working with sports brands – and where she sees opportunities for St Andrews.

Stephanie Kupperman on launching her own agency, Licensing 360, as a result of lockdown madness

Stephanie Kupperman on cult movies – and the ethos behind new agency Licensing 360.

Acaill & Skye’s Mhairi Muncaster reveals why Walthamstow Wetlands is the ideal home for the new Moomins exhibition

Mhairi Muncaster on working with The Moomins – and not exploiting their creator as a brand.

Right Angle Entertainment’s Justin Sudds on bending rules, subverting expectations and bringing Clue into live events

Ahead of the show launching in LA, we caught up with Right Angle Entertainment Co-Founder Justin Sudds to find out more about the development of Clue: An Outdoor Walking Experience.

Designer Scott Rogers and Ravensburger’s Cassidy Werner on bringing Alien to the tabletop with Fate of the Nostromo

Scott and Cassidy shed light on bringing the fear and tension of the iconic film to a board game experience.

The Opinionated Designer’s Emma Horton on the fashion industry’s evolving relationship with brands

We caught up with Emma to find out more about her approach to design – and why she feels the fashion industry’s perception of the licensing space is changing.

Wild in Art’s co-founder Charlie Langhorne on licensing for big, bonkers and brilliant public art trails

From The Snowman and snails to gorillas and Gromit, Charlie Langhorne puts art in the wild for Wild in Art…

Pink Key Licensing’s Richard Pink and Nancy Jones on design, creativity and taking food brands into new areas

We caught up with Richard Pink, MD at Pink Key, and Nancy Jones, Pink Key’s Head of Business Development, to talk food brands, the power of archives and their route into licensing.

JCB’s General Manager of Worldwide Licensing, Sam Johnson, on keeping the brand fresh after 20 years

Sam Johnson, General Manager of Worldwide Licensing at JCB, on the advice he’d give his younger self…

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