The Brand Radar: Lillet, Emily in Paris and licensing’s love affair with the food and drink sector

Start Licensing’s Ian Downes looks at the FMCG sector, revealing some highlights from the summer.

Talking Brands: From Stranger Things to Fawlty Towers, brands are embracing the theatre… What other IP is ripe for a stage adaptation?

Aardman’s Molly Van Den Brink, Start Licensing’s Ian Downes and Rainbow Productions’ Simon Foulkes discuss brands treading the boards.

Want to start a career in licensing? Industry figures share advice…

Following on from a well received panel discussion – Licensing Chose Me – delivered  at BLE’s License to Retail Day, the participating panellists share their thoughts and insights into building a career in licensing.

Talking Brands: The Godfather has extended into sauce… Which brand should be next?

Studio Griggs’ Stephanie Griggs, Skew’s Oliver Dyer, Born Licensing’s David Born and Louis Kennedy’s Tracey Richardson share their saucy suggestions.

Talking Brands: What brands could be a great fit for the gift market?

Dynamo’s Danny Heffer, Start Licensing’s Ian Downes and Atlantic Mat’s Susan Baker share their picks of brands that could win in gifting.

Talking Brands: With Toy Fair season upon us, which untapped toy or game brands could thrive in licensing?

Aardman’s Anthony Garnon, Wow! Stuff’s Richard North, Paper Engine’s Jason McKenzie and Vivid Goliath’s Emma Weber share thoughts on the toys, games and brand brands.

Talking Brands: Introvert or Extravert… Which personality type is more useful for a creative career in licensing?

Do typical traits of introverts and extraverts make one better suited to working as a creative in the licensing industry? We asked figures across the brand extension space for their thoughts.

Talking Brands: Given the increase in visitor numbers at BLE 2023, how will this translate into new business opportunities?

BLE 2023 welcomed record numbers of retailers – and enjoyed a healthy jump in total visitors on 2022’s show. Claire Potter, Ian Downes, Richard Pink and Clare Piggott discuss what this means for their businesses – and where future growth lies…

Talking Brands: Which untapped horror brands deserve a bite at licensing?

Scares in the spotlight… Industry figures give us their picks for untapped horror brands that boast serious licensing clout – and discuss if horror is now a year-round proposition.

Talking Brands: What brands could be a great fit for an engaging retail experience?

Start Licensing’s Ian Downes picks the brains of Richard Pink, Caroline Mickler and Jim White for their suggestions of IP-driven in-store activations.

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