The Brand Radar: Why licensing can be a recipe for success in homewares

Inspired by a trip to the Exclusively tradeshow, Start Licensing’s Ian Downes looks at how brands can thrive in the homewares sector.

The Brand Radar: Why embrace licensing? Licensees discuss the key benefits…

What are the core benefits of licensing? Start Licensing’s Ian Downes picks the brains of Rose Marketing, Nerdy Banana, A Perry and The Makersss to find out.

The Brand Radar: The perks – and potential pitfalls – of personality licensing

Start Licensing’s Ian Downes looks at the rise and rise of personality-based licensing – and why it’s a route worth navigating carefully.

The Brand Radar: IFE 2023 highlights potential of licensing in the food and drink sector

Start Licensing’s Ian Downes shares some of his licensing highlights from this year’s IFE show.

The Brand Radar: From Luke Skywalker to Land Rover… A deep dive into LEGO’s selective, effective approach to licensing

Start Licensing’s Ian Downes looks at LEGO’s innovative approach to working with brands, be it youngsters with DUPLO or AFOLs (Adult Fans of LEGO) through advanced sets.

The Brand Radar: Mr Men & Little Miss, Comic Relief and the thriving world of charity collaborations

Start Licensing’s Ian Downes looks at the ever-tightening relationship between the charity space and the licensing industry.

The Brand Radar: Costa Coffee, Rolo and food brand experiences

Sparked by a Valentine’s Day partnership between Costa and Rolo, Start Licensing’s Ian Downes looks at how food brands reach new consumers.

The Brand Radar: Isle of Man Post Office, David Bowie and how music IP thrives in specialist areas

Start Licensing’s Ian Downes looks at how the Isle of Man Post Office’s recent range of David Bowie stamps cements the notion that authenticity is key when it comes to brand extension success.

The Brand Radar: From The Repair Shop: The Christmas Doll to The BBC Puzzle Book, a look at the creativity of licensed publishing

Inspired by the Booksellers Association’s Christmas Books catalogue, Start Licensing’s Ian Downes puts licensed publishing in the spotlight.

The Brand Radar: Rampley & Co, The Ashmolean Museum and story-led licensing in the heritage sector

Start Licensing’s Ian Downes looks at how Rampley & Co’s new line of Ashmolean pocket squares highlights the heritage sector’s appetite to tell their stories through trend-led collaborations.

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