Crazy Aaron’s’ Cassie Slane on why Strawberry Shortcake had everything they look for in a brand collaboration

Cassie Slane, Licensing & Content Development Manager at Crazy Aaron’s discusses development of the company’s latest licensed putty.

Cassie, it’s great to tie-in. You joined Crazy Aaron’s earlier this year. How has your first seven months been with the company?
It’s been an incredible learning experience. One of the unique aspects of this company is the number of people, like Jill Walters and Cheyanne Huke, who have been here since nearly the beginning. They possess a deep knowledge of the product line and are incredibly passionate about its direction and future. I’ve had the chance to learn so much from them, and it’s rare to find such longevity and intense enthusiasm for a company’s future. This truly is a special place.

We’ll dive into your new Strawberry Shortcake collaboration in a moment, but does Crazy Aaron’s have a history with licensing?
Crazy Aaron’s has previously launched a few exclusive licensed collections, including one featuring Marvel characters at select stores and a collaboration with Ravensburger for the Thinking Putty puzzle. But Strawberry Shortcake is our first co-licensed product to be sold in major retail chains across the US and Canada.

Cassie Slane, Crazy Aaron, Food & Drink, Toys & Games

On that, what made Strawberry Shortcake a neat fit for Thinking Putty?
Strawberry Shortcake hits every single aspect we were looking for in a license. It has a colour, scent and character attached so we can utilise so many of our strengths to develop an incredible product. It also resonates across nearly every generation because it’s an iconic brand that has been around for 45 years. For adults who grew up in the Eighties, it’s incredibly nostalgic… I remember my favourite dress in first grade was a Strawberry Shortcake dress. For teens, it taps into the Eighties retro trend, and for little kids, they’re being introduced to Strawberry Shortcake for the first time through new content on YouTube and Netflix.

Development-wise, what aspects of the IP was it important to capture and convey in the product?
The scent was one of the most crucial aspects of the development process that we all wanted to perfect. For me – and I think for most people – scents have a unique ability to bring back moments so vividly, it’s as if you’re right there again. Strawberry Shortcake has a signature strawberry scent that we were determined to capture, so the team spent a lot of time perfecting it. We even had ‘smell meetings’ to ensure we got it right… Not your typical meeting at most companies!

Cassie Slane, Crazy Aaron, Food & Drink, Toys & Games

Ha! A ‘smell meeting’ at any other company sounds like a cause for concern! Now, there is more products planned as part of this collaboration. Without saying anything you shouldn’t, what might we expect from these?
Well, Strawberry Shortcake has a lot of friends and they each have their own colour and scent, so that should give you an idea of the possible products behind the namesake putty coming out in the fall.

Nicely teased. Generally, what sorts of IP do you feel has great potential in putty?
The incredible versatility of our compounds, paired with Aaron’s “mad scientist” brain, means almost any IP can be transformed into a unique putty. You can take nearly any character or theme and create something truly engaging for customers. The challenge lies in identifying an IP where there’s untapped potential and drawing in consumers who might not be familiar with our product – unless it comes with an appealing license.

On the flip side, are there categories you feel Crazy Aaron’s can extend into successfully? What areas have you got an eye on?
Slime and putty have such a strong visual appeal that they can be showcased across various media. Recently, we partnered with the top slime app, – Slime Simulator – to feature our products within the app. Users can now play with Crazy Aaron’s slime virtually and then connect to our store for a discount on the real thing. This type of collaboration is just the beginning of what we can achieve with this product line.

Cassie Slane, Crazy Aaron, Food & Drink, Toys & Games

Looks fun! Now, what do you feel is the key to creative collaborations between brand owners and licensees?
You really have to understand each other. We grasped the essence of the Strawberry Shortcake brand and knew how important it was to get it right, and Wildbrain understood Crazy Aaron’s. They recognised the high quality of our products and the care we put into creating scents and textures. The creative ideas between us just flowed so easily. It truly feels like a perfect match.

To wrap up, what fuels your creativity? What helps you have ideas?
It’s funny because my career path has been anything but typical. I started in accounting, moved into television journalism, co-hosted on QVC, and then leapt into the toy industry. One of my journalism teachers always said “notice what you’re noticing” – that advice has driven my creativity ever since.

I pay attention to what my three teenage daughters are into, what people around me are talking about and buying, and what’s trending. I also notice what’s missing in the world and constantly think of inventions to fill those gaps. So, I guess my creativity is fuelled by a mix of math, sales, toys, and parenting three teenage girls.

Good answer! Thanks again Cassie.

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