Crazy Deuce Studios’ William Danz on his excitement – and concerns – about entering the licensing industry

Fresh from working with Born to License on an IP-led collectible card game, Crazy Deuce Studios CEO William Danz discusses the process so far.

Founded in 2024 by CEO and Founder William Danz, Crazy Deuce Studios is on a mission to ‘pioneer a new era in collectible card gaming’. Inspired by a passion for CCGs and iconic movie and TV characters, Will identified a unique opportunity to bridge these worlds through a new card game concept…

Will, it’s great to meet you. You’re teaming up with Born to License to enter the licensing business. Why was now the right time for your company to take this step?
Now is the perfect time for licensing due to the explosion of media accessibility across TV, computers and phones. The abundance of content today presents a unique opportunity for Crazy Deuce Studios to expand into various brands and demographics. Licensing allows us to tap into this vast landscape, reaching a wider audience and enhancing our business growth.

How has working with Born to License make this jump smoother?
Born to License has been instrumental in smoothing the transition to licensing. They highlighted crucial aspects I hadn’t considered and provided invaluable support in getting Crazy Deuce Studios up and running. Their expertise and guidance have been key assets in our licensing journey.

Did you have any worries about entering licensing?
My biggest concern was effectively communicating the product’s benefits to both the licensor and the customer, ensuring they understand how it all comes together and the value it brings.

“We are excited to introduce a collectible card game that captures the nostalgia and excitement of past and current pop culture.”

What is something that’s surprised you about your licensing journey to date?
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much licensors care about their brands. They prioritise smart and respectful representation over quick profits. This dedication to brand integrity is something I greatly admire.

Now – I know this isn’t announced yet – so without saying anything you’re not allowed to, what should we expect from this collaboration that Born to License has helped put together with you?
We are excited to introduce a new collectible card game that captures the nostalgia and excitement of both past and current pop culture. This innovative game promises to offer a unique and engaging experience for fans.

What do you feel is the key to successful creative collaborations between a company like yours and a brand owner?
Successful creative collaborations hinge on clear communication. Both parties must understand and articulate their goals and ideas effectively. When there’s a shared vision and open dialogue, the collaboration is set for success

How do you fuel your creativity? What inspires you?
I fuel my creativity through various means, particularly music. Taking walks while listening to music often sparks new ideas for me. A melody or rhythm can inspire a creative breakthrough, and I’ll immerse myself in that song as the idea develops. My inspiration comes from a desire to leave a positive legacy. I aim to create something that brings joy and nostalgia to people while building a company where employees love to work and achieve their own dreams.

A nice note to end on. Thanks William. And good luck with the game launch.

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