Jac Griffin takes us inside Steven Singer Jewelers’ first licensed launch – a Care Bears Gold Dipped Rose

Jac Griffin – Chief of Staff and Marketing Director at Steven Singer Jewelers – discusses navigating a new industry with the help of Born to License.

Jac, it’s great to connect. Earlier this year, Steven Singer Jewelers worked with Born to License to launch your first licensed product: the Care Bears Rainbow Gold Dipped Rose. Why was now the right time to embrace licensing?
We have a unique brand in the jewellery industry, and we want to be able to partner with brands that could help us reach new audiences. We are confident that if we can introduce our product through a brand that a new audience already trusts, we will be able to keep them as a customer through our quality of product and service.

Makes sense. And why did Care Bears feel a neat fit for your business?
They have a great sense of humour and it’s a nostalgic brand that’s important to an age group that is our target market. They were also flexible, creative and supportive throughout the design process.

Jac Griffin, Care Bears, Steven Singer Jewelers, Fashion, Film & TV

Good to hear. Did you have any worries about licensing before embarking on the journey?
The upfront commitment was a concern, since we were new to licensing… But we believe it was worth the investment to work with brands that could amplify our energy and appeal to new audiences.

How did Born to License help you navigate this new area?
We were not familiar with the licensing landscape at all, so they were crucial in developing a long-term strategy for partnering and helping us negotiate a deal that was positive for both sides.

“We want to be able to partner with brands that could help us reach new audiences.”

Product development-wise, how was this experience different from your non-licensed creative process?
It is always difficult to add further checks and approvals to a creative process, but a licensed partner has already spent countless hours and dollars to build a brand with a large amount of already curated creative assets. So, while approvals are necessary, the actual design process was quicker to produce a polished finished product that we know resonates with the audience.

Looking ahead, what other sorts of brands do you see yourselves working with down the road?
We have a lot on our wish list. It would be amazing to work with Universal, Disney, Mattel or Nintendo!

Jac Griffin, Care Bears, Steven Singer Jewelers, Fashion, Film & TV

A great wish-list! Now, last question, what fuels your creativity? What inspires you?
Brands that go in the opposite direction to the rest of their industry. We have been selling love with hate for decades. It’s always exciting to see a brand do the unexpected!

Jac, thanks again!

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