Rebellion details this year’s 2000 AD talent search

This search for the next generation of talent offers the prize of paid work with 2000 AD.

Rebellion has started its 2000 AD writer and artist talent search.

Culminating at November’s Thought Bubble Comic Convention, this search for the next generation of talent offers the prize of paid work with 2000 AD. Previous winners like Rory McConville, Laura Bailey and Will Morris have all gone to regular work with the comic.

Everyone is welcome to enter, and Rebellion is especially looking for pitches from women and creators from marginalised communities.

Writers can sign up on the day for a Dragons Den style pitch session, where they can pitch their story idea to the judging panel. The best pitch will get to write their script and see it published it in the weekly 2000 AD at some point over the next year.

Artists can download a script for a story 2000 AD published last year. They’ll then be asked to draw the first few pages of the script and bring them to the show (on the Saturday) to be submitted to the 2000 AD editors. A shortlist will be made and the winner will be chosen live onstage at Thought Bubble on the Sunday.

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