“There’s power in creating intrigue…”: Simon Marjoram – Founder of Hampton Court Spirits – on building a booze brand

Simon Marjoram discusses Hampton Court Spirits’ story so far – and the potential for future collaborations.

Simon, it’s great to connect. I understand that you originally ran a marketing agency working in the alcohol, sports and travel sectors… Can you tell us about the ‘moment’ that persuaded you to launch Hampton Court Spirits?
Hampton Court Spirits had been an idea in the making for over a decade! I’d spent 25 years working in the marketing industry, creating award-winning campaigns for global drinks, sports and travel brands – but the arrival of the Covid pandemic galvanised me to start Hampton Court Spirits.

Running my own agency was incredibly fast paced, so the “Pandemic Pause” was the first time I’d had a moment to finally bring this idea to life. It has been a steep learning curve, but an incredibly enjoyable one. Strategy, branding and marketing are our bread and butter, but we’ve had to get to grips with all the “client” side too… Production planning, ordering, logistics, licensing and so on.

Were there key lessons you carried over from your agency business to Hampton Court Spirits?
Coming from a boutique agency where we all wore many hats has meant that we’re all used to being very “fleet of foot” and multi-tasking – which is essential in a start-up!

We understand the value of having a clear brand vision that works seamlessly throughout all parts of the business. We’ve loved building the brand from scratch, from the core brand values, to each product’s distinct personality, to the recipes that tell their stories, to the packaging and all communication.

Simon Marjoram, Hampton Court Spirits, Food & Drink

Can you give us a quick update on your current range?
We have world-class craft gins, a golden spiced rum, RTDs, minis and gift sets…

“Elegant and aromatic” The Six Wives craft gin, 70cl / 42%Vol.
(Gold Winner – Global Gin Masters 2022).

“Rich and silky smooth yet curiously spicy” Lord of Misrule craft gin, 70cl / 42%Vol.
(Master Winner – Global Gin Masters 2024).

“Vibrant and zesty” The Father of The Fleet golden spiced rum 70cl / 43%Vol.
(Silver Winner – Global Rum Awards 2024)

• The Six Wives G&T RTD – an award-winning craft gin, expertly mixed with tonic, and infused with fragrant thyme and zesty orange, for the perfect serve on the go. 250ml / 7.5%Vol.
(Master Winner – Global RTD Awards 2023)

• The Father Rum & Ginger RTD – Golden, spiced rum, with ginger ale and just the right amount of lime, for a golden summery take on a classic “dark & stormy”. 250ml / 7.5%Vol
(Launched May 2024).

• Mini Tasting Gift Set – Our award-winning trio of spirits, beautifully presented in a gift box, when you just want to try them all. 3 x 5cl.

What process did you go through when designing and establishing your brand look?
Our brand strapline is “Modern Craft Spirits, Steeped in History”. We’re passionate about walking the line between the old and the new, and weaving together the very best of both… Blending traditional knowledge with modern distillation techniques, creating classic spirits with unusual botanicals and taste profiles, fresh serving suggestions, historical storytelling and modern culture. Our branding reflects this juxtaposition with intricate hand-drawn illustrations and modern design elements and finishes.

Simon Marjoram, Hampton Court Spirits, Food & Drink

Creativity, quality and artisan skill is at the heart of everything we do, so the beautiful packaging needed to reflect the exquisitely hand-crafted liquid inside the bottle.

Each of our products has its own very distinct personality and taste profile, so we wanted to almost create a sub-brand for each, while working within a consistent, recognisable Hampton Court Spirits look and feel. The Six Wives is elegant, aromatic and classy, Lord of Misrule is darker, complex and more subversive and The Father is a golden spiced rum with nautical connections…

“Creativity, quality and artisan skill is at the heart of everything we do.”

When creating a spirits brand, are there ‘must haves’ in design terms?
Visual stand out is essential, as is communicating taste cues and the brand narrative in a simple, understandable way. There’s also power in creating intrigue, giving away just enough information to make consumers want to find out more… This is especially true in the craft spirits sector, where provenance and a compelling reason for being is key.

You recently attended the Speciality & Fine Food Show. How was the show for you and what role do tradeshows play in your business?
We’re very selective about the tradeshows we attend as they’re a big commitment on time and resources. The Speciality & Fine Food Show is top of our list as the attendees are a good fit with our target sectors and offers great opportunities for face to face interactions.

Simon Marjoram, Hampton Court Spirits, Food & Drink

Have you looked at working with other brands to create new products?
We’ve worked with some gorgeous British artisan brands focusing on food and drink pairing campaigns, and we’re in conversations with a couple of brands about exclusive products for specific retail outlets.

Collaborating with brands with the same ethos as us is great for opening up new audiences, engagement and providing added value for our customers. In terms of creating new collaborative products – this can be a great way to build a long lasting relationships with retailers, but it’s imperative that this complements, rather than dilutes our own brand.

Thinking about the wider spirits market, what do you see as the biggest challenges for the sector at the moment?
Covid and the cost of living crisis has had a huge effect on the on trade sector in particular, and consumers are spending more cautiously. However, we are well placed for the current trend of “quality over quantity”, with consumers drinking less but better quality.

Before we wrap up, how is 2025 shaping up for Hampton Court Spirits?
We’ve recently secured some fantastic new listings, including in the travel sector, which are complete game changers for us, we can’t say too much at this stage but we’re working on some exciting campaigns so watch this space!

Final question! What is your drink of choice?
Ooh, that’s tricky to pick just one! It’s hard to beat a Six Wives G&T garnished with fresh thyme and a slice of orange, just delicious. Outside of spirits, I’m partial to a really lovely Barossa Shiraz…

Nice choice! Thanks again Simon.

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